Delphinus House is a vibrant community that thrives on adaptability, creativity, and mindfulness. Students and staff in Delphinus are known for their spontaneity, versatility, and self-awareness. They embrace the ebb and flow of life with open minds and hearts, ready to respond to challenges with both grace and resourcefulness. Delphinus is a house where each individual is encouraged to explore their true potential while maintaining a deep sense of responsibility to others and the world around them.
The house crest proudly displays the dolphin, a symbol of intelligence, harmony, and playfulness. Just as dolphins communicate effortlessly and navigate the waters with ease, Delphinus members possess a natural ability to connect with others, adapt to change, and move fluidly through different situations. They understand the power of collaboration and the importance of balance, often bringing out the best in those around them.
Delphinus House is rooted in the element of Water, representing emotion, intuition, and adaptability. Water’s fluidity mirrors the house’s approach to life—flexible, ever-changing, and deeply attuned to the environment. Delphinus students and staff approach each day with an awareness of their surroundings, adjusting as needed and choosing their actions with mindfulness and care. The water element also signifies deep emotional intelligence, allowing members to navigate interpersonal relationships with empathy and understanding.
The house color, blue, evokes calm, clarity, and depth. It represents both the soothing nature of water and the vast expanse of the ocean, where endless possibilities lie beneath the surface. Blue also reflects the introspective nature of Delphinus members, who are constantly learning and growing through self-awareness and reflection.
In Delphinus House, students and staff are encouraged to embrace the flow of life with spontaneity and thoughtfulness. With their versatility, conscientiousness, and an ability to stay true to themselves, they are equipped to face challenges with wisdom, adaptability, and a deep sense of connection to the world around them.
House of Enthusiasts: Spontaneous, versatile, self-aware, conscientious Crest: Dolphin Color: Blue Element: Water Chant: D-E-L-P-H-I-N-U-S, we go with the flow and we know we are the BEST! House Leader: Ms. Wyckhuys & Mrs. Ciboch Secretary: Mrs. Adams Steward of Student Growth: Mrs. Sharma 8th Grade House Leader: Larsa Jamoua Notable Members: Mrs. Lane