(586) 446-9170

Volume 3, Issue 2

Dear Huron Academy Families,

We are officially one month into the school year, and what a month it has been! I’ve seen classes making jewelry and painting pictures, conducting science experiments, making short movies, playing sports and conducting research projects for digital presentations. It’s been great to see the school back in the full swing of things with rigorous, fun, and creative learning opportunities.

If you haven’t already done so, make sure you’re signed up for the PowerSchool. Early and regular monitoring of your child’s grades are the best way to ensure success throughout the school year, so the sooner you get on that app, the better. Additionally, getting on Class Dojo (Google Classroom or other apps, depending on the teacher), is a good way to stay aware of the classroom happenings and be able to reach out to teachers. Students cannot succeed without communication and collaboration between school staff and our families, so take advantage of those opportunities to work together whenever possible.

Another way to collaborate is the monthly PTC meetings. I’ve mentioned it before, but it takes a village to raise a child, and the PTC is a huge part of our village. Parent support and input is always welcome, and sharing the workload enables a greater impact on the lives of our children (plus it sets a great example for the kids to see us all working together!).

Ultimately, as we begin the second month of the school year, I encourage you to stay informed, get engaged, and collaborate with the schools whenever possible – it is the best way to pave a path for the success of your child(ren) in terms of academics, character development, and life itself.


Joshua Sobczak,

Important Dates
  • 10/2 – Count Day
  • 10/3 – Picture Day
  • 10/8 – PTC Meeting (6:30 @ Utica Campus)
  • 10/11 – Late Start Friday
  • 10/25 – Trunk or Treat
  • 11/1 – Late Start Friday

  • PLEASE watch out for students and staff in the parking lot and follow the rules; we’ve had a couple close calls due to distracted drivers.
  • Cell phones are not allowed – this includes after school. Please remind your children.
  • Be sure to sign up for School Messenger notifications if you haven’t already done so, as well as follow us on social media – this is a great way to stay in the loop with all things Huron Academy!
  • Uniform order forms are out, with new orders hopefully arriving within a few weeks
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