(586) 446-9170

Volume 3, Issue 6

We are at the halfway point of our academic school year, with Quarter 3 kicking off last week. From spelling bees and trips to the state capitol building to video creation and poetry writing, the second semester is already full of fun learning opportunities. Additionally, we are sending over a dozen staff members to various trainings in an effort to increase academic performance and community events. In short, 2025 is off to a great start and we’re excited about what’s to come for our students.

While there is a great deal of excitement in our buildings, I think it’s important to take a moment to talk about the “3rd Quarter Slump.” A wide range of studies have indicated that this time of year is the hardest for students and their families alike. The days are short & cold, we’re past the fun holiday season but still months away from summer holidays, and the state-required tests start rolling out. As such, over 75% of students (and again, their families) indicate struggling with motivation during January, February, and March.

However, there are a wide variety of strategies and practices to ensure that our kids are doing the best they can academically and socially, including:

  • Get Outside (too much time indoors during the winter fosters complacency, which affects motivation, so bundle up and get fresh air!)
  • Get Lots of Sleep (always important, but more so in the winter)
  • Check-In Regularly (whether logging into PowerSchool or having a daily recap with your kids, this will help keep you in the loop to keep them focused!)
  • Set Goals & Rewards (this can be anything from ice cream for a good test score or a movie night for a positive teacher report).

As always, at the end of the day you’ll have to do what works best for your family, but importantly, you should be trying new & additional strategies to positively reinforce your child’s school performance. What works in September may not be enough in February, so talk to your kids and see what you can come up with as a family to help keep them motivated. I encourage you all to search “3rd Quarter Slump” on the internet for additional ideas that may benefit your child and family.

In the meantime, thank you for your continued support, and keep supporting our kids!


Joshua Sobczak,

Important Dates
  • 2/5 – Delphinus House presents Board Game Night
  • 2/7 – PTC A Night At The Races
  • 2/11 – PTC Meeting
  • 2/14 – Late Start Friday
  • 2/17-2/18 – Midwinter Break
  • 2/23 – PTC Daddy/Daughter Event
  • 2/26 – School Board Meeting
  • 2/28 – Late Start Friday
  • 3/6 – Half-Day/Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • 3/7 – Half-Day (No Aftercare!)

  • Re-enrollment has begun! Sign up now to secure your spot for next year.
  • The weather is cold and unpredictable this time of year; make sure you send your kids to school with the proper attire for outdoor activities.
  • Be sure to sign up for School Messenger notifications if you haven’t already done so, as well as follow us on social media – this is a great way to stay in the loop with all things Huron Academy!
  • Uniform order forms are available!
  • Our PTC meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month (with the exception of various holidays/events). It’s a great way to stay connected while supporting our school. Consider attending to learn more!
  • We are breaking ground on our building expansion project on February 6th. The majority of our school events (from Horse Races to Movie Night) are helping to support the financial aspects of the project. Your support is appreciated!
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