(586) 446-9170

Volume 2, Issue 6

February 2024

A Message from Mr. Sobczak

Huron Academy Families,

February is the shortest month of the year, but things are busier than ever at our school! We are wrapping up NWEA testing, preparing for reading month in March, playing basketball and soccer, engaging in several fundraisers (Kids Heart Challenge!), developing Black History Month lessons, and learning about everything from new computer programs to different languages to how our local government works.

Speaking of local government, February 27th is the primary election day, and we will be open while hosting as a polling station at our Utica campus once again. We have been working with Clinton Township for the past several years during election cycles, and because this is a primary, they anticipate lower than-usual numbers. Still, traffic will be busier than usual that day, so plan accordingly! We have several safety measures in place to ensure no interaction occurs between the public and students/staff, including lunches served in the classroom, additional staff to help with potential traffic, securing access points, and having a police presence on-site. Again, we’ve done this in the past with no incident, but please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions.

Another of our routine processes is happening – enrollment. Slots fill up incredibly fast, so please complete any paperwork as soon as you receive the email links and are able to. This is especially true for new students in Kindergarten and/or referral students. We started this year with a waitlist for each grade, so act now – demand has never been higher!

Finally, make sure to note that our midwinter break is a bit different this year, so please mark your calendars.

Let’s make this short month a meaningful one!


Joshua Sobczak

Important Dates
  • Feb. 9 – Late Start Friday
  • Feb. 13 – PTC Meeting (6:30 @ Utica)
  • Feb. 16-19 – No School (Midwinter Break)
  • Feb. 20 – School Resumes
  • Feb. 25 – PTC Daddy/Daughter Event
  • Feb. 26 – Open Enrollment Begins
  • Feb. 27 – Election Day (School is Open!)
  • Feb. 28 – Board Meeting
  • Mar. 1 – Late Start Friday


  • Please send your kids to school with lots of winter gear – hats, gloves, boots, etc. It’s cold out, but play time is important!
  • Please make sure to follow our social media pages for the most up-to-date information
  • Please be sure to follow the rules in our parking lots at dismissal and drop-off. The local police department have requested this as well.

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