Volume 1, Issue 6
February 2023
A Message from Mr. Sobczak
February is the shortest month of the year, but we are staying as busy as can be! We’re in the midst of the Kids Heart Challenge, and there are spelling bees, basketball games, and board game clubs keeping the brains of our children active and stimulated. Keeping kids engaged in extracurricular activities is one of the best ways to make sure our students are well-rounded, disciplined, and academically attentive; if the parents can be involved, even better!
February is also Black History Month, which is another great way to get involved with the education of your children. There are plenty of great resources for families looking to learn more (a good one can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/mu23kaak), and the more families learn together, the better off our kids are. Whether you’re volunteering to coach an afterschool club or simply reading a book with your child before bed, the impact of parental involvement cannot be understated, and any level of extracurricular involvement with your child will sow benefits for years to come. If you’re ever looking to get more involved, never hesitate to reach out to administration or show up to a PTC meeting!
Speaking of parental involvement, by this point you’ve probably received an invite to join Bloomz, a way to further keep in touch with school updates. If you haven’t signed up already, please do so, but still continue to check our Facebook page and monitor your email for all updates.
The success of our school depends on our parents & families, so THANK YOU for all of your efforts.
Joshua Sobczak
- Feb. 1 – Husky Honors
- Feb. 2 – Groundhog Day
- Feb. 10 – Late Start Friday
- Feb. 13 – Progress Reports Go Home
- Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day
- Feb. 14 – PTC Meeting
- Feb. 20-24 – Midwinter Break
- Feb. 27 – Classes Resume
- Feb. 27 – Open Enrollment Begins
- Mar. 3 – Late Start Friday
- Mar. 4 – DI Competition @ Fraser High School
- Download the PowerSchool app to stay completely up to date on your child’s academic progress.
- PTC Volunteers are always needed. Reach out and help out!
- Make sure you’re sending your kids with snow/winter gear so they can play outside during recess!
- Valentine’s Day celebrations are coming – please do NOT send food with your child that day.